Refund Policy

Thanks for subscribing to our services at operated by Pvt Ltd

  1. Shared hosting services
    1. Refunds are not allowed for mind changes or anything in client's end matters.
    2. Refunds are given for service unavailability.
    3. 7-day money-back guarantee for clients didn't meet their requirements.
    4. Refund is added to credit balance if the client request a server change.
  2. Reseller Hosting
    1. Refunds are not allowed for mind changes or anything in client's end matters.
    2. Refunds are given for service unavailability.
    3. 7-day money-back guarantee for clients didn't meet their requirements.
  3. VPS
    1. Refunds are given if the VPS is not working or can't reach.
    2. Otherwise, refunds are not providing for other reasons like mind changing.
  4. International domains
    1. Domain payments are given if the customer requests the cancellation or name change on the same order date.
    2. If the customer requests to cancel the domain after 2-7 days, service fee of Rs.900 + domain registry cost reduces from the payment.
  5. SSL Certificates
    1. No refunds are provided after purchasing
  6. .LK Domain
    1. Refund is given if the client's domain payment hasn't done in domain registry. Client must be informed to the service before 3 days from the purchasing. Service fee of Rs.900 + domain registry cost reduces from the payment.
    2. Any registration completed domain names are non-refundable.
  7. Business emails
    1. Refunds are not allowed for any reasons except network unavailability.

Still not sure ? Contact our IT Consultant to get assistance which web hosting package is best for you or get customized plan. We would be happy to provide assistance finding the right solution for you.